

Application & windows

Action Shortcut
Show Settings (or Preferences) window Command–Comma
Show Fixture Manager Command–Shift–Down Arrow
Hide Fixture Manager Command–Shift–Up Arrow or Command–Return
Open External Control window Command–E
Hide Lightkey Command–H
Hide other applications Command–Option–H
Close window Command–W
Minimize window Command–M
Minimize all windows Command–Option–M
Open DMX Monitor Command–Shift–Option–O
Open User Guide Command–?
Quit Lightkey Command–Q


Action Shortcut
Open a project (when no project is open) Command–O
Close the current project Command–W
Save project Command–S


Action Shortcut
Undo the last action Command–Z
Redo the last action Command–Shift–Z
Cut the selection Command–X
Copy the selection Command–C
Paste content of Clipboard Command–V
Select all text or objects Command–A


Action Shortcut
Show Design view Command–D
Show Live view Command–L
Show/hide Preset Palette Command–Shift–P
Show/hide shortcuts Command–Shift–S
Enter/exit blind mode Command–B
Freeze/unfreeze output Command–Period
Edit Preview Command–J
Edit Design View Command–Shift–Option–D
Edit control panel Command–Option–J
Set beats per minute Shift-B or hold down B
Enter/exit full screen Command–F

Project setup assistant

Action Shortcut
Go to next step Command–Right Arrow or Command–Return
Go to previous step Command–Left Arrow

Preview editing


Action Shortcut
Edit Preview or end editing Command–J or Command–double-click Preview area
End editing Preview Command–Return
Enable/disable highlight mode Command–Shift–H
Scroll Space–drag


Action Shortcut
Select all objects Command–A
Deselect all objects Command–Shift–A or Esc
Select all fixtures of the same type as the selected fixture (e.g. all moving heads) Command–Option–A
Select objects by dragging Drag from a blank part of the Preview (Option–drag to select outward from starting point)
Add or remove an object from the selection Shift–click or Command–click on object
Add or remove objects from the selection Shift–drag or Command–drag from a blank part of the Preview
Select an individual fixture from a group Double-click on fixture icon
Select fixtures by name Type (lowercase) letters or numbers
Select next fixture, in alphabetical order Control–Tab
Select previous fixture, in alphabetical order Control–Shift–Tab


Action Shortcut
Move selected objects by one unit Arrow key
Move selected objects by ten units Shift–arrow key


Action Shortcut
Create group from selected fixtures Command–Option–G
Ungroup selected fixtures Command–Option–G
Set beam direction of selected fixtures Command–Shift–Option–P
Set beam color of selected fixtures (for fixtures with a fixed color) Command–Shift–Option–C

Shapes, text & images

Action Shortcut
Duplicate selected objects Command–Shift–D or Option–arrow key
Duplicate selected objects by dragging Option–drag
Constrain dragging to horizontal or vertical direction Shift–drag
Disable alignment/spacing guides while dragging Control–drag an object
Resize an object from the center Option–drag a selection handle
Constrain a shape’s aspect ratio while resizing Shift–drag a selection handle
Do not constrain the aspect ratio of an image or round truss while resizing Command–drag a selection handle
Rotate an object Command–drag a selection handle
Rotate in 45° steps Command–Shift–drag a selection handle
Rotate a line around its center Option–drag a selection handle
Constrain a line’s or arc’s angle to 45° Shift–drag a selection handle
Do not snap when changing a line or arc Command–drag a selection handle
Disable alignment/spacing guides while resizing Press Control while resizing
Begin or end editing a line’s shape Return
Move the selected handles while editing a line Arrow keys
Delete the selected handles while editing a line Delete
Begin or end text editing Return
Show Font panel Command–T
Show Color panel Command–Shift–C



Action Shortcut
Select all fixtures Command–A
Deselect all fixtures Command–Shift–A or Esc
Select all fixtures of the same type as the selected fixture (e.g. all moving heads) Command–Option–A
Select fixtures by dragging Drag from a blank part of the Preview (Option–drag to select outward from starting point)
Add or remove a fixture from the selection Shift–click or Command–click on fixture
Add or remove fixtures from the selection Shift–drag or Command–drag from a blank part of the Preview
Select an individual fixture from a group Double-click on fixture icon
Select fixtures by name Type (lowercase) letters or numbers
Select next fixture, in alphabetical order Control–Tab
Select previous fixture, in alphabetical order Control–Shift–Tab
Select nearest fixture in arrow direction Arrow keys
Extend fixture selection in arrow direction Shift–arrow key


Action Shortcut
Show a fixture’s contextual menu Click fixture name or right-click/Control–click fixture icon
Copy properties of selected fixture Command–Option–C
Paste fixture properties from Clipboard Command–Option–V
Show overridden fixture properties Command–P
Clear overridden properties for selected fixtures Command–Delete
Clear overridden properties for all fixtures Command–Shift–Delete
Show the selected fixture in Fixture Manager Command–Shift–Down Arrow
Edit a fixture’s profile Command–Shift–Option–Down Arrow or Option–double-click fixture icon
Show DMX output for the selected fixture Command–Shift–Option–O
Change dimmer of selected fixtures Command–scroll up/down while mouse pointer is over Preview area2
Change hue of selected fixtures Command–Option–scroll up/down while mouse pointer is over Preview area2
Change saturation of selected fixtures Command–Option–scroll up/down while mouse pointer is over Preview area2
Change master dimmer Swipe up/down with four fingers while mouse pointer is over Preview area1, 2
Change focus, zoom, or iris for the selected fixtures (or the fixture under the mouse pointer if there is no selection) Pinch gesture1, 2
1 Requires multi-touch trackpad or Apple Magic Trackpad.
2 This shortcut can be changed in the Settings (or Preferences) window.


Action Shortcut
Select Position property Shift–P or hold down P or hold down mouse button over fixture icon or force click1 fixture icon2
Clear (undefine) Position property Space or Delete
Move beam to clicked location Click in Position HUD
Lock pan Command-drag
Lock tilt Shift-drag
Don’t snap Control-drag
Set pan angle according to location of key Numbers on numeric keypad
Change pan Scroll up/down while mouse pointer is over Position HUD
Change tilt Command–Scroll up/down while mouse pointer is over Position HUD
Increase/decrease pan angle by 1° Right/Left Arrow
Increase/decrease pan angle by 10° Shift–Right/Left Arrow
Increase/decrease pan angle by 0.1° Option–Right/Left Arrow
Increase/decrease tilt angle by 1° Up/Down Arrow or Plus/Minus
Increase/decrease tilt angle by 10° Shift–Up/Down Arrow
Increase/decrease tilt angle by 0.1° Option–Up/Down Arrow
Close Position HUD Return, Enter or Esc
1 Requires trackpad with Force Touch.
2 This shortcut can be changed in the Settings (or Preferences) window.


Action Shortcut
Select Focus property Shift–F or hold down F
Clear (undefine) Focus property Space or Delete
Set focus Click in Focus HUD
Don’t snap Control-drag
Change focus Pinch gesture1 or scroll up/down while mouse pointer is over Focus HUD
Increase/decrease focus by 10% Up/Down Arrow or Plus/Minus
Increase/decrease focus by 1% Option–Up/Down Arrow
Set focus to an exact value Type numbers
Close Focus HUD Return, Enter or Esc
1 Requires multi-touch trackpad or Apple Magic Trackpad.


Action Shortcut
Select Zoom property Shift–Z or hold down Z
Clear (undefine) Zoom property Space or Delete
Set zoom angle Click in Zoom HUD
Don’t snap Control-drag
Change zoom angle Pinch gesture1 or scroll up/down while mouse pointer is over Zoom HUD
Increase/decrease zoom angle by 1° Up/Down Arrow or Plus/Minus
Set zoom to an exact angle Type numbers
Close Zoom HUD Return, Enter or Esc
1 Requires multi-touch trackpad or Apple Magic Trackpad.


Action Shortcut
Select Iris property Shift–I or hold down I
Clear (undefine) Iris property Space or Delete
Set iris size Click in Iris HUD
Don’t snap Control-drag
Change iris size Pinch gesture1 or scroll up/down while mouse pointer is over Iris HUD
Increase/decrease iris size by 10% Up/Down Arrow or Plus/Minus
Increase/decrease iris size by 1% Option–Up/Down Arrow
Set iris size to an exact value Type numbers
Close Iris HUD Return, Enter or Esc
1 Requires multi-touch trackpad or Apple Magic Trackpad.

Design view


Action Shortcut
Cycle through properties in Design view Tab
Cycle backwards through properties in Design view Shift–Tab
Clear (undefine) the selected property Delete
Deselect current property Return, Enter, or Esc
Don’t snap sliders Command–drag


Action Shortcut
Select Dimmer property Shift–D or hold down D
Increase/decrease intensity by 10% Up/Down Arrow or Plus/Minus
Increase/decrease intensity by 1% Option–Up/Down Arrow or Option–Plus/Minus
Set intensity to an exact value Type numbers
Change dimmer Command–scroll up/down while mouse pointer is over Preview area1
Change master dimmer Swipe up/down with four fingers while mouse pointer is over Preview area1
1 This shortcut can be changed in the Settings (or Preferences) window.


Action Shortcut
Select Color property Shift–C or hold down C
Color Wheel
Action Shortcut
Select a color Arrow keys
Select color by index Type numbers
Color components
Action Shortcut
Set hue to an exact value Type numbers
Increase/decrease hue by 10° Up/Down Arrow or Plus/Minus
Increase/decrease hue by 1° Option–Up/Down Arrow or Option–Plus/Minus
Decrease/increase saturation by 10% Left/Right Arrow
Decrease/increase saturation by 1% Option–Left/Right Arrow


Action Shortcut
Select Gobo property Shift–G or hold down G
Select a gobo Arrow keys
Select gobo by index Type numbers
Toggle rotation or change rotation direction R
Toggle bounce B
Toggle indexing I
Toggle shake S
Decrease/increase speed or angle Minus/Plus
Fine control of speed or angle Option–Minus/Plus


Action Shortcut
Select Shutter/Strobe property Shift–S or hold down S
Open shutter O
Close shutter C
Select strobe or change strobe mode S
Select pulse or change pulse mode P
Decrease/increase strobe/pulse speed Up/Down Arrow or Minus/Plus
Fine control of strobe/pulse speed Option–Up/Down Arrow or Option–Minus/Plus


Action Shortcut
Select Prism property Shift–M or hold down M
Select prism type Type numbers
Toggle rotation or change rotation direction R
Toggle indexing I
Decrease/increase speed or angle Up/Down Arrow or Minus/Plus
Fine control of speed or angle Option–Up/Down Arrow or Option–Minus/Plus


Action Shortcut
Select Frost property Shift–R or hold down R
Frost on or off O
Select linear L
Select pulse P
Decrease/increase frost amount Left/Right Arrow or Minus/Plus
Fine control of frost amount Option–Left/Right Arrow or Option–Minus/Plus
Set frost amount to an exact value Type numbers

Movement Speed

Action Shortcut
Select tracking mode T
Select vector mode V
Select blackout mode B
Set speed to an exact percent value Type numbers
Increase/decrease speed by 10% Left/Right Arrow or Plus/Minus
Increase/decrease speed by 1% Option–Left/Right Arrow


Action Shortcut
Decrease/increase fog amount Left/Right Arrow or Minus/Plus
Fine control of fog amount Option–Left/Right Arrow or Option–Minus/Plus
Set fog amount to an exact value Type numbers

Custom Properties

Action Shortcut
Show or hide options Return or Enter
Select previous/next option Up/Down Arrow
Decrease/increase percent or DMX value Left/Right Arrow or Minus/Plus
Fine control of percent or DMX value Option–Left/Right Arrow or Option–Minus/Plus
Set percent or DMX value Type numbers
Select an option and hide the list of options Double-click option

Preset palette


Action Shortcut
Extend the selection Shift–click a row
Add or remove a row to/from the selection Command–click a row
Clear the selection Command–click the selected row
Show or hide the search field Command–Option–F


Action Shortcut
Create new preset Command–N
Create new preset group Command–Shift–N
Create new group from selected items Command–Shift–Option–N
Create new sequence Command–Ctrl–N
Create new sequence from selected presets Command–Ctrl–Option–N
Show info for sequence Command–I or double-click a sequence
Edit the selected preset Command–Shift–E or Double-click preset
End editing a preset Command–Shift–E or Return or Enter
Cancel editing a preset Esc
Edit hold or fade time Click time
Increase/decrease hold or fade time by one second Up/Down Arrow while editing time
Increase/decrease hold or fade time by 0.1 sec Option–Up/Down Arrow while editing time
Increase/decrease hold or fade time by 10 sec Shift–Up/Down Arrow while editing time
Jump to next field during editing Tab
Jump to previous field during editing Shift–Tab
Rename an item Return or click the item’s name
Duplicate the selected items Command–Shift–D
Duplicate one or more items Option–drag
Delete the selected items Delete
Delete an item Swipe left over a row

Control panels


Action Shortcut
Show info for a button or frame Command–click button or frame
Show info for a button Force click on button1
Show properties defined in a cue Command–Option–click button
Begin or end editing control panel Command–Option–J or Command–double-click control panel
End editing control panel Command–Return
1 Requires trackpad with Force Touch.

Edit Mode

Action Shortcut
Scroll Space–drag
Select all objects Command–A
Deselect all objects Command–Shift–A or Esc
Select objects by dragging Drag from a blank part of the control panel (Option–drag to select outward from starting point)
Add or remove an object from the selection Shift–click or Command–click an object
Add or remove objects from the selection Shift–drag or Command–drag from a blank part of the control panel
Move selected objects by one unit Arrow key
Move selected objects by five units Shift–arrow key
Constrain dragging to horizontal or vertical direction Shift–drag
Disable alignment guides and magnetic grid while dragging Control–drag
Resize an object from the center Option–drag a selection handle
Disable alignment guides and magnetic grid while resizing Control–drag a selection handle
Show info for a button or frame Command–I Double-click button or frame
Rename a button or frame Return or click the button’s or frame’s name
Add a button to a frame Drag button to frame
Cut the selected objects Command–X
Copy the selected objects Command–C
Paste objects (or cues) from Clipboard Command–V
Duplicate selected objects Command–Shift–D or Option–arrow key
Duplicate selected objects by dragging Option–drag
Delete selected objects Delete
Begin or end text editing Return
Show Font panel Command–T
Show Color panel Command–Shift–C



Action Shortcut
Extend the selection Shift–click a row
Add or remove a row to/from the selection Command–click a row
Show info for cue Command–I or Command–click “Get Info” or force click1 cue
Show properties defined in a cue Command–Option–click “Properties”
Activate cue Double-click cue
Activate cue with fade Option–double-click cue
Activate selected cue Command–Return
Activate selected cue with fade Command–Option–Return


Action Shortcut
Add new cue below the selected item Command–Plus
Add new cue above the selected item Shift–click the “+” icon
Add new group Command–Shift–Plus
Add new group from selected items Command–Shift–Option–Plus
Duplicate the selected items Command–Option–D (or Option–click the “+” icon)
Duplicate one or more items by dragging Option–drag
Rename an item Return or click the item’s name
Delete the selected items Delete
Edit hold or fade time Click time
Increase/decrease hold or fade time by one second Up/Down Arrow while editing time
Increase/decrease hold or fade time by 0.1 sec Option–Up/Down Arrow while editing time
Increase/decrease hold or fade time by 10 sec Shift–Up/Down Arrow while editing time
Jump to next field during editing Tab
Jump to previous field during editing Shift–Tab
1 Requires trackpad with Force Touch.


Action Shortcut
Activate next cue Space
Activate previous cue Shift–Space
Activate cue by name (or number) Command–G



Action Shortcut
Add effect to selected fixtures Command–Option–E
End effect editing Return or Esc
Increment numeric value Up Arrow or Plus
Decrement numeric value Down Arrow or Minus
Numeric value fine control (not always available) Option–Up Arrow or Option–Plus
Numeric value coarse control (not always available) Shift–Up Arrow or Shift–Plus
Don’t snap sliders Command–drag

Curve Effects

Action Shortcut
Move curve vertically Drag up/down
Shift curve vertically by 1% Up/Down Arrow
Shift curve vertically by 10% Shift–Up/Down Arrow
Move curve horizontally Drag left/right
Shift curve horizontally by 1% Left/Right Arrow
Shift curve horizontally by 10% Shift–Left/Right Arrow
Scale curve Command–drag up/down or Command–Up/Down Arrow

Movement Paths

Action Shortcut
Transform path T
Exit transform mode T or Esc
Close Position HUD Return, Enter or Esc
Add control point Double-click on path
Delete selected control point Delete
Lock pan while dragging control point Command-drag
Lock tilt while dragging control point Shift-drag
Don’t snap while dragging control point Control-drag
Set pan angle of selected control point according to location of key Numbers on numeric keypad
Change pan of selected control point Scroll up/down while mouse pointer is over Position HUD
Change tilt of selected control point Command–Scroll up/down while mouse pointer is over Position HUD
Increase/decrease pan angle of selected control point by 1° Right/Left Arrow
Increase/decrease pan angle of selected control point by 10° Shift–Right/Left Arrow
Increase/decrease tilt angle of selected control point by 1° Up/Down Arrow or Plus/Minus
Increase/decrease tilt angle of selected control point by 10° Shift–Up/Down Arrow

Fixture Manager


Action Shortcut
Show Fixture Manager Command–Shift–Down Arrow
Hide Fixture Manager Command–Shift–Up Arrow or Command–Return

Fixture Library

Action Shortcut
Move focus to search field Command–Option–F
Get fixture profile info Return or Double-click a fixture profile
Edit a fixture profile Option–double-click a fixture profile

Channel Grid

Action Shortcut
Select universe Command–1 through Command–6
Select previous/next universe Command–Shift–Left/Right Arrow
Select previous/next fixture Left/Right Arrow
Select first/last fixture Command–Left/Right Arrow
Select fixtures by name Type letters or numbers
Clear selection Esc
Get fixture info Return, double-click, or force click1 a fixture
Edit a fixture’s profile Option–double click a fixture
Duplicate fixtures Option–drag fixtures
Delete fixtures Delete or drag fixtures out of grid
1 Requires trackpad with Force Touch.

Fixture Info Window

Action Shortcut
Increase/decrease number of fixtures (when adding new fixtures) Up/Down Arrow or Plus/Minus (while in fixture number field)
Increase/decrease fixture address Up/Down Arrow or Plus/Minus (while in fixture address field)
Patch fixtures Return or Enter
Don’t patch fixtures Esc

Fixture Editor


Action Shortcut
Go to previous/next fixture profile (if multiple profiles are open) Command–Shift–Left/Right Arrow
Select previous/next mode (for profiles with multiple modes) Command–Up/Down Arrow
Manage modes Command–Shift–Option–M
Scroll up Page Up
Scroll down Page Down
Move focus to next field Tab
Move focus to previous field Shift–Tab
Close fixture profile Command–W

Numeric Fields

Action Shortcut
Increment value Up Arrow or Plus
Decrement value Down Arrow or Minus

Multiple Settings

Action Shortcut
Add setting below the current one (for properties with multiple settings, e.g. Gobo) Command–Plus
Add setting above the current one Command–Shift–Plus (or Shift–click the “+” icon)
Duplicate the current setting (for properties with multiple settings) Command–Option–Plus (or Option–click the “+” icon)
Remove the current setting (for properties with multiple settings) Command–Minus

Custom Capabilities

Action Shortcut
Toggle default setting Command-Option-X
Toggle slider Command-Option-S


Action Shortcut
Assign a property to a particular beam (when the property’s beam settings are visible) Click a beam
Select beams by index (when the property’s beam settings are visible) Type numbers or a range (e.g. “1–4”)
Add or remove beam from selection (when the property’s beam settings are visible) Command–click a beam
Select a range of beams (when the property’s beam settings are visible) Shift–click a beam

User Guide viewer

Action Shortcut
Open User Guide Command–?
Scroll up Page Up or Shift-Space
Scroll down Page Down or Space
Go to previous search result (while focus is in search field) Shift–Return
Go to next search result (while focus is in search field) Return
Cancel search (while focus is in search field) Esc
Zoom In Command–Plus
Zoom Out Command–Minus

⌘ Command key ⌥ Option key ⇧ Shift key