1 All required device drivers are included. To output more than one DMX universes we recommend using an interface with multiple output ports.
2 Lightkey can only use a single port on the DMXking eDMX2 MAX, eDMX2 PRO, or ultraDMX2 PRO when connected via USB. Both ports are available through Art-Net or sACN.
3 These USB interfaces require that an administrator password is entered at startup.
DMX network protocols
Connect one Art-Net node with up to four ports/universes
Art-Net versions 1, 2, and 3
Automatic node detection through Art-Poll
sACN (streaming Architecture for Control Networks)/E1.31 Multicast
Connect any number of sACN interfaces or fixtures
sACN universe priorities
ESP Net (Enttec Show Protocol)
Smart lights
Control up to 100 Philips Hue smart lights, including bulbs, LED bars, plugs
Connect multiple Hue bridges simultaneously
Select built-in effects
Controllable fixtures
Controls any type of DMX512-compliant fixture, including:
Moving heads
LED strips
LED matrixes
LED Bars
PAR arrays
Moving head arrays
Fog machines
Fixture properties
Natively supported properties
Position (Pan/Tilt)
8/16 bit, support for fixtures with up to eight separate heads
Infinite Movement
Movement Speed
On/Off (smart lights)
8/16 bit, beam level control with optional master channel
Color Mixing
8/16 bit; RGB or CMY + warm white, cool white, amber, lime, ultraviolet; beam level control with optional master channel
Color Wheel
Up to three separately controlled color wheels, split colors, rainbow effect
Color Temperature
8/16 bit, beam level control
Green Saturation
8/16 bit, beam level control
Xfade to Color
8/16 bit, beam level control
Gobo Wheel
Built-in or custom gobo images, up to three separately controlled gobo wheels
Gobo Indexing 8/16 bit
Gobo Rotation
Gobo Shake
Focus 8/16 bit
Zoom 8/16 bit
Iris 8/16 bit
On/off, 8/16 bit linear, pulse effects
Various prism types, up to two separately controlled prisms
Prism Indexation 8/16 bit
Prism Rotation
Beam level control
Constant speed, synchronized, random, sound-active, lightning effect; beam level control
Shutter Pulse Effects
Beam level control
Channel value is held for a predefined duration
Operating Mode
Conditional properties
Custom properties
Discrete options (e.g. built-in macros) or continuous parameters (e.g. speed)
Display continuous parameters as percentage, DMX value, or in a custom value range
Default option and/or default value
16-bit output across two channels
Up to 40 custom properties per fixture
External control
Receive input from any number of DMX universes
User-definable triggers and actions
Capture triggers when a channel in an input universe changes
Automatic detection of control type (button vs. fader)
Save, import, and export DMX-In configurations
DMX-In Log tracks incoming changes
Receive input from any standard MIDI controller and other MIDI-enabled applications
Connect multiple MIDI controllers at the same time
Supported MIDI commands: Note On/Off, Control Change (CC), Program Change, Pitch Wheel
User-definable triggers and actions
MIDI Learn: Capture triggers when a button, fader, or other control is operated
Automatic detection of control type (button vs. fader/rotary knob)
Support for 14-bit faders
Support for jogwheels (“encoders”) for continuous parameters
Separate assignments with Shift key, if available
Customizable MIDI feedback for LEDs, motorized faders, knobs etc., including extended feedback for many popular controllers
Control cues, presets, fixture properties, and many other features through OSC messages
Receive OSC over UDP or TCP
Full support for OSC address patterns
OSC service discoverable via Bonjour
OSC Log tracks incoming commands
macOS Shortcuts
Integrates with the system-wide shortcuts feature in macOS
15 different action types are available in the Shortcuts app
Control moving lights with a USB joystick
Multi-Touch gestures1
Control Intensity, Master Intensity, color hue and saturation through scroll wheel or swipe gestures
Control Position, Focus, Zoom, Iris through pinch gesture or force click
Multi-touch gestures are user-configurable
Touch screen
Main user interface optimized for touch screens
Controls have large click regions for comfortable touch control
All essential functions accessible without a right mouse button or scroll wheel
1 Scroll gestures require Apple Magic Mouse, trackpad, or mouse with scroll wheel. Swipe and pinch gestures require multi-touch trackpad or Apple Magic Trackpad. Force click requires trackpad with Force Touch.
Live Triggers
Drag lighting cues as clips to the Ableton Live timeline
Lighting cues are activated/deactivated in sync with the music
Lag-free communication through MIDI messages
Works with cue buttons and cuelists1
1 Lightkey can create up to 128 clips per page, on up to 128 pages.
2D visualization
Arrange, resize, and rotate fixtures according to their physical locations
Freely edit the shape of LED strips
Flexible placement of fixture name tags
Add built-in or custom images, shapes, trusses, and text labels
Resize and rotate multiple objects at once
Various style options for shapes and images
Smart alignment guides allow precise placement of objects on the same horizontal or vertical axis
Smart spacing guides allow equidistant spacing of objects
Commands for flipping, aligning, distributing, and layering objects
Fixture position (pan/tilt) control uses polar coordinates to reflect actual beam positions
Customizable perspective for stationery and moving lights
Customizable limits for pan and tilt ranges
Maintain relative pan/tilt offsets when positioning multiple fixtures
Display multiple instances of a fixture (for identical fixtures with the same DMX address)
Visualization adapts itself to screen size
Visualization can be hidden for live control
Design mode
Intelligent selection commands
“Type selection” quickly selects fixtures with a common prefix or individual fixtures
Groups allow selecting multiple fixtures with a single click
Keyboard shortcuts to select fixtures by position (Arrow keys) or name (Control-Tab)
Copy and paste values and effects between fixtures, including fixtures of different types
Change properties relative to current state (supported by Dimmer, Position, Focus, Zoom, Iris)
Define per-fixture defaults for fixture properties
Unlimited undo/redo for all fixture property changes
Individual beam control for multi-beam fixtures (intensity, color, shutter/strobe)
Fanning spreads property values across a range of fixtures or beams (supported for Dimmer, Color, Position, Focus, Zoom, Iris, Frost, Fog, custom properties)
Design view adapts itself to the patched fixture’s properties for optimal use of screen space
Rearrange fixture properties and hide unused properties
Color mixing for RGB and CMY with hue, saturation, and brightness controls
Synthetic Dimmer control for RGB fixtures with no Dimmer channel
Presets & sequences
Presets and groups
Store arbitrary combinations of fixture properties as presets
Capture a snapshot of the current fixture states
Auto-assigned preset names and icons, depending on content
Defined fixture properties are displayed directly in the Preview
Organize presets in nestable groups
Export presets and import them into other projects
Various playback options: repeat, forwards/backwards, autoreverse, random, freeze on completion
Define hold and crossfade times for entire sequence or individual steps
Beat-controlled sequences with various timing options
Create smooth pan/tilt movements through predefined points
Reverse of shuffle sequence steps
Adjust speed and beat multiplier from Live view
Live control
Store an unlimited number of cues comprised of an arbitrary selection of presets and sequences
Built-in or custom fade curves for each cue, including special fade curves by property or fixture
Modifiers allow changing various aspects of cues during a show: Speed, Beat Multiplier, Time Offset, Fade Time, Dimmer, Hue, Color Temperature, Green Saturation, Xfade to Color, Pan Angle, Tilt Angle, Focus, Zoom Angle, Iris Size, Frost Amount
Auto-activating cues at startup or before quitting
Copy and paste cues between Live view pages
Cue buttons
Build custom control panels containing buttons, faders, text labels, and frames
Smart alignment guides help with precise placement
Attach buttons to create a group where only one button can be active at a time
Toggle or flash behavior
Assign priorities to cue buttons and frames
Button colors are automatically derived from cue contents
Step through buttons in a frame with Previous/Next buttons
Recall cues in a specific order
Cuelists combinable with cue buttons
Organize cues in nestable groups
Automatic cue numbering
Crossfades with predefined durations or manually with Xfade slider
Advance to next cue manually or after predefined hold time
Live control
Blind mode allows making changes without affecting the output while cuelists, sequences, and effects continue to run
Freeze output and seamlessly resume cuelists, sequences, and effects
Beat control
Synchronize sequences and effects to music
Adjust the timing of a cue or frame with the Beat Multiplier modifier
Tap the beat and Lightkey will learn and continue the tempo
Synchronize to external sources with MIDI Beat Clock or Ableton Link
Effects engine
70+ fully editable effect templates
Effects remain editable at any time, even when stored in presets or cues
Apply effects to whole fixtures or individual beams nuovo
Synchronize effects to music
Adjust speed, time offset, and beat multiplier from Live view
Copy and paste effects between fixtures or presets
Overlay multiple effects for the same fixture property
Save custom effect templates
Fixture order options
Order by position in Preview, short name, address, randomly, or in a custom order nuovo
Apply pattern effects to Dimmer or Color properties
Configure pattern samples and parameters
Color pattern effects can include additional color components (cool/warm white, amber, lime, ultraviolet), color temperature, green saturation, xfade to color
Curve effects
Design arbitrary curves which determine the fixture property’s value at a given time
16 built-in curve templates
Apply curve effects to the following fixture properties: Dimmer, Color, Position, Focus, Zoom, Iris, Frost, Fog, custom properties
Colors can be split into components using three different color models: HSB (hue, saturation, brightness), RGB (red, green, blue), CMY (cyan, magenta, yellow) plus additional colors (cool/warm white, amber, lime, ultraviolet)
Pan/tilt mirroring allows inversion of the pan or tilt angles on one side
Relative position effects: Pan and tilt angles are added to the positions defined elsewhere
Movement effects
Use movement paths to define continuous pan/tilt movements
14 built-in, fully editable movement paths
Editor uses polar coordinate system to reflect actual beam positions
Translate, scale, reverse, and flip paths
Interpolation modes: smooth, linear, points
Save custom movement paths for reuse
Pan/tilt mirroring allows inversion of the pan or tilt angles on one side
Relative position effects: Pan and tilt angles are added to the positions defined elsewhere
Fixture editor
Integrated editor for fixture profiles—changes take effect immediately
Built-in, searchable library with 6000+ native fixture profiles